become a difference
maker in saint john


We rely on the generous donations of individuals, businesses and churches to do what we do. We are grateful for one-time and ongoing donations from the community.


Have you been looking for a way to get involved in your community? There is a role to suit just about everyone! Contact us to learn more about volunteer opportunities.


Do you see a need in our community that isn't being met? Is your church or organization looking for some extra support with a project that would fits with our mission?


Is your group or business looking to support a local organization in Saint John? We welcome corporate support and donations for all of our programs.

Donating to ICYM

Monetary donations can be made online via Canada Helps (below) e-transfered to or by cheque sent to:

Inner City Youth Ministry
c\o Katherine Grant
15 Domville Lane
Rothesay, NB
E2E 5H7

Inner City Youth Ministry is a registered Canadian charity #86814 2209 RR0001.
For information please visit:

your support is making a
difference in our community